Sunday, November 2, 2014

Management Lesson from Indian Election 2014

- people like Strong(decisive), Stable and Able leader.
They don't care family background nor the drama. Only ability matters.

- Leader is expected to provide shoulder ie support to people, not other way round. Some did actually, asked a shoulder to cry on...

- Shortcut doesn't work. Never it did. The hard work coupled with focused continuous efforts with good intention ONLY matter...

- Proven Track record (good or bad).
They do matter as people will judge you from your past track record, not from peppy talks... Worst, you can't just create out of NO fooling here.

- Steady efforts only help to mature
In the role.
one can't expect to run marathon while learning to crawl...instead of learning to govern small state such as Delhi, and prove their mettle, AAP tried to run Marathon...result is debacle in every direction.

- a leader is known by the team he is surrounded with.
Thus important to surround with able people who can guide you in right direction...crook can provide only crooked idea...

- clear vision and continuous emphasis on it only help people connect you with the goal.
Any diversion from those goal lead to confusion among people. Whatever undercurrent activities were going on, Modi Ji didn't divert from development talk. Other changed, changed and again changed, this created confusion in most people's head. People can't remember so many things, so stick to basic one or two punch lines or vision...

- Walk the talk.
You can't talk corruption when huge scams are been discussed under your regime...

- Selective or partiality doesn't work in long term as sooner or later it creates discomfort and none like partiality.
Inclusiveness will create long term and robust system.

- Last and most important, if your intentions are good or bad, it will be exposed sooner or later...check the basics before you start...

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